Borderlands Claptrap USBハブ
Borderlands Claptrap USBハブ
販売価格: 7,980円(税込)
在庫数 ×
USB 2.0 portsx4つです
・Lookin' good minion... whenever you're ready buddy!
・This feels good... feels right. I am mildly uncomfortable with how good that made me feel... mildly.
・Alright that one hurt a little. Oh, right. You're not a Hyperion robot. I forget that sometimes.
・That's how you do it! Ha ha! I knew I'd get it eventually.
・Yeah! Well done buddy.
USB 2.0 portsx4つです
・Lookin' good minion... whenever you're ready buddy!
・This feels good... feels right. I am mildly uncomfortable with how good that made me feel... mildly.
・Alright that one hurt a little. Oh, right. You're not a Hyperion robot. I forget that sometimes.
・That's how you do it! Ha ha! I knew I'd get it eventually.
・Yeah! Well done buddy.